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Classic Mac Pro

The MacPro is a server that hosts a variety of servifes.

Born in 2012, it is still a formidable machine, and has been upgraded with a dual hex-core (12-core) Xeon Processors, 1TB NVMe storage, and 96GB RAM.

It can edit 6K video and it can still burn CD-ROMs!

There is no port forwarding to the device, it can only be accessed via SSH or VNC over VPN.

DaVinci Resolve Server

The MacPro hosts the DaVinci Resolve Server via PostgreSQL.


sudo vim /Library/PostgreSQL/13/data/pg_hba.conf

Daily Logs

sudo ls /Library/PostgreSQL/13/data/log

Software Updates

We use OpenCore to keep MacOS up-to-date and extend the life of this now vintage machine.

As a result, WiFi and Bluetooth no longer work as of OS X Catalina.